Saturday, March 01, 2008

Dems Possibly Cost Soldiers' Lives

A shocking report has been released that shows that due to the Dems refusing to pass the Protect America Act to allow our intel agencies to properly pursue all leads may cost soldiers lives. This is absolutely unacceptable!


Flag Gazer said...

Cornyn's piece is quite telling... the things we all know but prefer not to think about. Then there's the other side - that soldier died so that no one might accidentally listen to a phone conversation I'm having in line at Costco or see the book I carry out of the library. I tire of this nonsense.

PS - If it was up to me, I'd give you a medal, too! :)

Cajun Tiger said...

=) thanks!

Daniel Ruwe said...

It's not right, but really, what did you expect from the Democrats?

The leftist southpaw said...

sorry, but wasn't it the GOP who put the soldiers there and in harms way to begin with? Can't have it both ways.

Cajun Tiger said...

daniel...thanks for dropping in...hope you enjoyed your visit and come back again =)

southpaw...been missing you...glad to see you haven't changed in being wrong as always. It was the Repubs and Dems who voted for war. It was and continues to be the Repubs and Dems who fund the war. Yet it is only the Dems who continue to try and tie the militaries' and intel agents' hands by not giving them all the tools necessary to win the war. And now b/c of that there is proof they could actually be costing soldiers lives. Very sad indeed!

The leftist southpaw said...

I aim to please.