Sunday, December 18, 2005

Turning Points

My pastor in Baton Rouge, Dino Rizzo, has just finished his first book, "Turning Points."

I ordered it the minute it came out. I haven't read it yet, but I have no doubt, based on the author, that it is an awesome book. Dino is one person who I know that does absolutely nothing that isn't of the highest excellence, so I know he would not have written a book that didn't meet that standard.

We have all faced and will face again major challenges in our life. I have no doubt there will tons of nuggets in this book that will show us how, through Christ, to look at these challenges as turning points in our life for what God will do for us next.

I'll write more about it after I read it, but why wait!!! Click the link about and get your copy now!!!


Anonymous said...

that battle between my sis and southpaw was so funny! way to keep the drama alive on your site. -cbl

Cajun Tiger said...

I'm sure it isn't over...stay tuned.