Monday, October 09, 2006

Bring Back the Good Ole Days

Yep, the Iraqis were a whole lot better off when Saddam was in power...NOT!!!


Mike's America said...

So the Saddamites used to bury people alive, fed them into wood chippers feet first, cut open the stomachs of pregnant women and watch as both mother and child died.

As Senator Kennedy said, things were MUCH worse when the US was conducting frat pranks at Abu Ghraib.

The leftist southpaw said...

655,000 dead Iraqis since the invasion is not much of an improvement, however...

Cajun Tiger said...


Southpaw...nice try...but that number is total bogus...their method was a complete joke. The most accurate number that the vast majority agree on is between 50 and 60K. 100s of thousands that were murdered and brutally tortured by Saddam. I also never hear any outrage towards the ones who are actually causing the deaths by targeting the innocent civilians, but instead try to place all the blame on America. Very sad indeed.