Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Life at 22 Weeks

A new record has been set for the earliest baby born prematurely and surviving outside the womb. So, will all the "pro-choice" advocates who say that viability should be the measure adjust their positions to no abortions past 21 weeks? Don't hold your breath.


Anonymous said...

The government has no right to intervene completely in the daily lives of its citizens. Where in the Constitution does it say the government needs to tell its citizens how to take care of their own bodies??? Pro choice is pro limited government. Guess the limited government Republicans feel they can express their hypocrisy when the need arises.

Cajun Tiger said...

You are exactly right. The Federal Government should have no say in what citizens do. However, that is exactly what Roe v Wade does. It does not allow the states to decide individually by the legislative or voter process to decide how to handle the abortion issue.

So let's overturn Roe v Wade and allow the people to vote on whether or not they want to allow abortions on a state by state basis. That would be the true limited government position. However, libs don't want that b/c they know they would lose those votes hands down.

Anonymous said...

If the neo cons had it their way, they'd make a Constitutional amendment outlawing abortion altogether. This is the GOP's answer to limited government.

Cajun Tiger said...

Once again in order for a Constitutional Amendment to pass it would take way more than the "evil" neo-cons (they must be part of Hillary's vast right wing conspiracy right?). And if an amendment would pass it would be completely constitutional thus completely in line with limited government as it wouldn't be the federal government making the decision but instead both chambers of Congress and the States.

Anonymous said...

Since when did "limited government" come to be known only as federal?

Cajun Tiger said...

Well right now abortion is a federal issue so I was talking in terms of federal.

If Roe v Wade were overtuned and it was given back to the states to decide as it should be then it would become a state issue.

Limited government means the government doesn't decide what is best for the people. The people decide. And if abotion was given back to the states, I'd fight just as hard to make sure the people of each state decided and not the state government. However, we don't have the option due to the Federal government in the form a court ruling deciding everything for the states which is completely against the constitution.

Anonymous said...

Let me do what I want with my own body. It isn't any government's concern!

Cajun Tiger said...

Nice liberal fall back line there.

How about the baby that is paying the price for your "right" to control your body? How about his or her rights? State governments have every right to have a punishment for murder as they all already do.