Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bad News for Obama Campaign

Looks like there will be more "bitter" people "clinging to their guns" which according to Obama is not a good thing for his campaign thanks to the Supreme Court finally getting one right today and confirming our 2nd Amendment right in a baffling 5-4 ruling.

It totally baffles me how anyone cannot understand very clear and plain English, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Yet 4 of the 9 Justices tried to do that very thing. That it wasn't a unanimous ruling shows we still have lots of work to do to get the Court back to its constitutional mandate being we were only 1 vote away from losing a very fundamental right by a method not prescribed by the constitution.

Just one more reason I will hold my nose while voting for McCain this fall b/c while I only trust his pics at about the 60% level, I have no doubt I'd be 100% against any of Obama's picks. With two of the liberal justices very likely retiring in the next four years, we have a very strong chance of getting a strict constructionist court with a very solid majority.


The leftist southpaw said...

would you trade the result in this case for a different result in the Habeas Corpus/Guantanamo Bay case?

Mike's America said...

That Gitmo result just highlights how very important the Supreme Court is. We could have lost this 2nd Amendment result if one justice had switched sides. We could have won the the Gitmo case if one justice had switched sides.

One thing is certain, we will lose ALL of these close votes if Obama appoints a justice or two.

The leftist southpaw said...

Oh? and who is "we?"

Timothy said...

That really is what is scary, our rights constitutional rights could have disappeared on this one, and people are lamenting the ruling. That is truly sad.

Cajun Tiger said...

Southpaw...We shouldn't have to make that choice if we had judges that would follow the constitution. And not to answer for Mike, but "we" are Americans that actually think that the SCOTUS is not empowered to legislate from the bench or rely on consensus of the states or international opinions in making their rulings.

shannon w kirkpatrick said...

CT- what's your opinion on Obama expanding Bush's faith initiatives?

Cajun Tiger said...

It would be certainly welcomed. However, he so far has shown a very good ability to speak out of both sides of his mouth in order to reach out to different groups. He is a very strong supporter of Planned Parenthood and other abortion-type providers to continue to receive federal funding also which do the exact opposite of what he claims he wants to get done with the faith based groups of helping the poor.