Saturday, August 13, 2005

More Evidence of the Clinton Administration's Dereliction of Duty

Once again more proof is surfacing that the Clinton administration's complete incompetence and higher concern for self preservation over the protection of the nation may have led to 9-11 not being stopped.

Rep Curt Weldon (R-PA) is all over the place talking about new findings that show intelligence agents at the Pentagon knew of two of the 9-11 highjackers being part of al-Qaida and in the country a year prior to the attacks. However due to the Clinton administrations wall of separation that didn't allow agencies to share information, these agents were not allowed to share their intel with the FBI. Intel that very well might have stopped 9-11 from happening.

They were given two reasons for not being able to share the info. One was that Atta and the other guy were here legally meaning nothing could be done to them and the other was that the Clinton administration couldn't afford another public relations disaster like the Branch Davidian incident.

Rep. Weldon is rightfully trying to find out how high up in the administration this order to not share the info went up the chain of command. We hear over and over that we have to get over Clinton and move on. However that gets harder and harder to do when more and more proof keeps surfacing that continues to point to complete incompetence and dereliction of duty. Not that I'm surprised one bit...rather furious is closer to my current feelings.

Also upsetting about this story is that it wasn't mentioned at all by the 9-11 commission. Wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that the person in the Clinton administration that authored the wall of separation policy at the Justice Dept was a member of the 9-11 commission. Nah...I'm sure that had nothing to do with it.

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