Tuesday, August 09, 2005

People's Republic of Fairfax

Can someone please explain how funding "day laborer centers" so illegal aliens can have a common place to go in order to find work makes any sense whatsoever. Well that is exactly what Fairfax County is proposing. They are trying to get $400,000 approved to set up these centers.

Now if it was a ploy to have them all congregate in one area and then have ICE come in and arrest them all, I'd be all for it. Don't hold your breaths on that one.

Thankfully it is becoming a campaign issue in the governor's race. Kilgore spoke out against it today and called on Kaine to do the same. Kaine's spokesman said Kilgore's proposal to shut down the centers does nothing to address the illegal immigration problem. For those non-political folks, that means not only will he not call for them to be shut down, but he also supports them.

How hard of a concept is it for people to understand that the easier it is for illegal aliens to continue to break the law, the more incentive there is for more to come illegally.

Delay spoke in favor of a Tancredo bill that would cut federal funding for any locality that in any way encourages or gives incentives to illegal aliens. It is about time the Republican leadership starts taking a hard stand on this issue because if they don't the base will start to crack even worse than it already has on the issue.

Sorry if some of this sounds very jumbled...I'm working on not too much sleep...and just had to post something on this tonight =)

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