Thursday, September 29, 2005

Can Someone Remind Dems That They LOST!!!

I must not be able to read very well. For the life of me I can't find in the Constitution where it says, "The President shall fill a Supreme Court vacancy with a person of the the same ideological position as the person retiring."

You would think it is in there based on how many Dems keep saying that the President should replace the OC with someone just like her. They know it won't happen but they are just trying to make it sound like they are being reasonable. The truth is that no matter who the President chooses they will rake over the coals and do everything in their declining power to destroy. The process has become a complete joke.

I truly hope the President keeps to his campaign promise and nominates someone in the mold of Scalia. The heads exploding in the Senate will be fun to watch.

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