Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Welfare Mentality

I might seem like I'm just jumping on Rush's bandwagon being he talked about this exact thing today in his first hour, but I first talked about this on Friday. I was going to write about it then, but felt it was too early with so many still in harm's way.

A lot of people have been saying that if a "white" city had been hit with such a disaster the help would have been there right away. Some have gone as far as to say that the relief effort was delayed in hopes that more blacks would die. That is so ludicrous it makes me angry.

In my opinion the reason this same level of tragedy would not have happened in a different place has nothing whatsoever to do with race. It instead has everything to do with the mentality of the people.

When for generation after generation all a community has ever known is government handouts, it has no basis for self reliance. So, when a tragedy such as this happens and the government for any number of reasons isn't able to respond quick enough, the community has no idea how to take care of itself.

Just look a little east of New Orleans at Slidell. It was actually hit even harder than NO, but you don't see the same things happening there from the people who stayed behind. Why? Because they banded together and did whatever it took to survive on their own until help arrived.

This has to be the biggest indictment against welfare since its start. It completely handicaps an entire community to the point that they have no basis whatsoever on how to be self reliant, even when their life depends on it.

This post is long enough, so I'll stop here. I'll write later about where the majority of the blame for this lies and tie that in to who is responsible for the tragedy being worse than it should have been.


Anonymous said...

I agree that it is ashame in the wake of such disaster that thoughts could fall on other matters than the safety and well-being of those affected by the storm. I feel if there is to be any finger pointing, we can leave that to the heavenly father. For in the end, he is our judge. In so many ways, the society as a whole has failed these people. But I should also say there are those that could have helped themselves but refused. After working in the New Orleans area for many years and going to school there I can vouch for those who can't see beyond today. Many don't even know what is beyond their front porch. Most wouldn't know how to even begin to live a life outside of their home. This is all they have. For those, such as myself, I was raised in a family that sought education, a way out of financial burden, and independence. In some ways, I feel for a nation who believes that we should continue to take care of our own to a point of no independence. It's time to start giving these people other things than just worldly items. Give them a dose of empowerment with their food and water. Give them confidence with their shelter. Give them strength and hope with prayer.
God Bless Everyone,
Michelle Gautreaux

Anonymous said...

I thought your "welfare mentality" blog was really good. I too have been enraged they are turning the weather into a racial thing. I agreed with what you said completely and look forward to your "part two."

UncommonSense said...

You are ignoring the fact that it is not a "welfare mentality" for people to expect their government to protect them from harm and to assist them in recovering from natural disasters. It is, in fact, the fundamental reason that governments come into existence.

For anyone to expect the citizens of New Orleans to maintain the levees themselves is literally insane. For anyone to suggest that the government has no interest in or responsibility to assist with recovery is deluded.

How many wealthy Republicans do you think fill the potholes on the streets in their neighborhoods. None! Nor should they! It is part of what the government does. It maintains infrastructure. The Mississippi River levees are part of the infrastructure in New Orleans and other places along the course of the river. That is the way it should be.

It is time for you to accept that the Era of Limited Government is over. Ironically, it was your boy Bush who killed it.

Cajun Tiger said...


Thanks for your comment.

You missed my point. I didn't say it is the people's responsibility for infrastructure. That is absolutely a government responsibility.

However in the face of utter disaster after the levies broke, it took self reliance to survive until help arrived (which by the way would have arrived sooner had it not being for Gov. Blanco stopping the Red Cross and the military from entering).

Unfortunately, the images proved that way to many people were not capable of this. My contention was that it is due to depending on the government for everything for generations. This complete dependence left them completely incapable of self-reliance when it was needed most.

Now in response to your comment about the Era of Limited Government being over, I'm sad to say it is definitely looking that way if things don't change soon from Bush on down.