Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Intelligent Creator

I'm currently reading a book by Dr. Chuck Missler called "Learn the Bible in 24 Hours." I highly recommend this book to everyone, regardless if you are a Christian or not. If you can read this book and not come to the conclusion that at the very least the world was not created by accident but by an intelligent Creator then I really don't have much more to say on the topic.

Here is one example I've found in the first few chapters:

God commanded the descendants of Abraham to be circumcised on the 8th day. We know now through modern medicine that first, Vitamin K (vital for blood clotting) does not form until the fifth though seventh day after birth and second, prothrombin (facilitates blood clotting) is below normal until the eighth day when it peaks to 110% for a day or so then drops to normal. I'm sure God just chose that day randomly...yeah right!

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