Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Go Joe

Some people never cease to amaze me!!!

A friend of mine's husband served in the Army (he spent at least a year if I remember correctly here in Iraq in '03). I'll call him Joe to protect the innocent. Joe went to Walmart a few days ago like every good red blooded American does at least once a week. On the way out, a guy sneaks up behind Joe and grabs him. That in itself is not really a bright thing to do, but it gets worse.

The guy then proceeds to ask Joe, "How does it feel to be a baby killer?"

The next part of the story makes me very proud of Joe. Instead of engaging in useless debate with this idiot, with one punch, he laid him out cold then proceeded to leave with the guy unconscious on the ground as Joe went back home with his Walmart merchandise completely unharmed.

When his wife relayed the story to me, I advised that next time the only thing different he should do is say first, "I'm feeling really threatened right now and fear for my personal safety. Please step back or I will have to defend myself." Then if the idiot was stupid enough to stay in his face, he was properly warned before being knocked unconscious.

Personal note to Joe: my co-workers here (1 Marine, 2 Sailors, and 4 Soldiers) said they would have handled the situation in exactly the same manner. There is just no excuse for such idiocy, so he got what he deserved.


The leftist southpaw said...

go Joe! (Seriously, I mean that!) I hope he broke something on the guys face. Nose would be good, jaw would be better.

Dionne said...

I gave a spoiler alert in today's post when I talked about 24 just for you :-)))!!

Cajun Tiger said...

Southpaw...hmmm...that's two posts in the last month or so that you have agreed with me on...slowly but surely my plan is working... =)

SNC...I believe he is looking for a new job right now, but don't think he is inclined to move to LA...lol


The leftist southpaw said...


don't get used to it! I'm just a firm believer in a simple philosophy:

If you touch someone unprovoked, coupled with an unprovoked insult, you deserve a pop in the face!