Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Winning the Future

Newt Alert!!! Newt Alert!!!

Ok, now that I've given fair warning to liberal readers, I want to introduce ya'll to Newt's latest endeavor. He has started writing a weekly newsletter for Human Events Online entitled, Winning the Future. It is a must read for all conservatives.

This week's one that I linked above has lots of great material from ending bilingual federal ballots to repealing McCain-Feingold (you receive a little extra if you sign up for the newsletter) to Iran being elected as vice chair to the UN's Disarmament Commission (and why do we still support the UN???).

I don't know if he is planning a run for President in '08 or not (if I was forced to guess, then I absolutely think he will give it a shot), but he sure is staying in the forefront of conservative policy. The fact that he is still around and still very influential must make liberals' blood boil, which is fine by me =)

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