Sunday, July 31, 2005

Set America Free Act

The energy bill that passed last week has a provision in it called the "Set America Free Act."

This is a very proactive piece of legislation. It calls for the three North American countries to be energy self-sufficient by 2025. At first glance, this may not seem possible, but it is absolutely doable and vital.

There is new technology that heats shale that is almost oil and turns it to oil. We have enough of this "oil shale" in the US alone to produce enough oil to last for 200+ years. That's not counting ANWR, increased Gulf drilling, or alternative fuels and energy supplies.

We have to lower our need for foreign oil as soon as possible and this appears to be a very possible way to achieve that goal.

(Thanks to the House Committee on Resources staffer who provided this info)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info! I had no idea... only read negatives from all sides.

Cajun Tiger said...

Well there are lots of negatives from our side in the form of pork, but thankfully this isn't one of them.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...are there teeth to it or is it a non-binding resolution type thing?

Cajun Tiger said...

They have 30 days to form a commission then the commission has a year to do the study...then...well you know how DC works, by the year 3000...

Actually I know the guy who wrote the Act and he is already leading the way to make it happens.