Sunday, February 12, 2006

Four Pillars

In my quest to be the man God intends me to be, before leaving I bought a book called, "Four Pillars of a Man's Heart" by Stu Weber. I just started it a couple of nights ago and so far it has been really incredible.

The premise of the book is that there are four pillars that God intended every man to model to the world around him. They are King, Warrior, Mentor and Friend. If all four aren't present, then the man isn't being the man God intended him to be.

A key though is to have the proper balance in all four. To balance them Weber lists four adjectives that must be present along with the nouns: Servant-King, Tender-Warrior, Wise-Mentor, and Faithful-Friend.

At the beginning of chapter three, there is a great quote:

King. Warrior. Mentor. Friend. Four pillars in a manly heart. Every man is commissioned by his provide, as a Servant-King; to protect, as a Tender-Warrior; to teach, as a Wise-Mentor; and to connect, as a Faithful-Friend.

A king who is not a servant is merely a tyrant.

A warrior who is not tender is only a brute.

A mentor who is not wise is just a know-it-all.

A friend who is not faithful is at best an acquaintance, or worse, a betrayer.

I can definitely tell already which areas were out of balance in my life that led me down the path I took, and I look forward to getting into the meat of each pillar in order to reinforce what I have already learned since and even more. It continues to be a great journey!

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