Friday, June 02, 2006

Getting hot...Hot...HOT!!!

Today's high was 119 with a heat index of 123 and climbing!!! I have a brand new appreciation for the military peeps (not that my appreciation ever waned) who have to do their job in this heat.

The only time I have to face it is walking back and forth to chow and the tent. They are in it all day with full battle rattle and in their poorly air-conditioned HUMVs. Definitely keep them in your prayers for heat related illnesses.


Dionne said...

Wow!! That is way too hot and hard to comprehend being in military garb in that. You are right, our soldiers go through a lot.

Cajun Tiger said...

ML...not sure if I would go that far yet =)

LMC...and that is just the's not counting all the idiots they have to deal with that I'm sure makes things even worse.