Saturday, June 24, 2006

Prophets to Israel and Judah

I know I've mentioned twice so far (1 & 2) how much I'm enjoying my Daily Bible - Chronological, but I just have to say it again.

I'm still in the Old Testament, and I'm in the part of Israel and Judah's history where the prophets like Amos and Isaiah start warning them of God's coming punishment and exile if they don't check themselves quick (that's my paraphrase =)

It's really neat to see the prophets warnings in the middle of the reigns of the kings. They have no excuses. They can't say if only we knew. Same as today. We have no excuse, especially in America. Unfortunately I think that is the problem. A lot of people know about Jesus, but not many know Jesus.


Ron said...

Daniel 11:33,34 talks about those who are NOT SINCERE will join those who are wise during times of great persecution.

Nothing like going through persecution to see if your faith is genuine or not.

stoneonagrave said...

Is it our place to judge the faith of others? We can't see in their hearts, so why not accept them, and let God worry about judging.

Cajun Tiger said... are right in that we aren't to judge...but we are able to see the fruit produced in a person's life, whether it is good fruit or bad fruit. You always reap what you sow.

stoneonagrave said...

B...I'm always up to it!...But remember, I have keys to a gym if all are willing to make a ride!

Cajun Tiger said...

pedro and/or basketball sound great to me!!!