Thursday, April 27, 2006

Coulter Alert! Liberals Beware!

Coulter has a great article on fuel prices and the real reason they are so high.

When I do the Close Up debates in DC, one of the lines I open with is, "You can easily tell the difference between a conservative and a liberal, the first thing liberals do when they gain control is try to raise taxes while conservatives cut them." Coulter's article proves this statement right once again.


Dionne said...

Great column as usual. I am so sick of hearing democrats whine about the evil oil companies. Give me a break!!

Cajun Tiger said...

Yep...and if Repubs screw the base on this one along with ILLEGAL immigration...look for a massive revolt come November.

nerdyastronomer said...

If Republicans are in charge of the economy right now you can't blame Democrats for the high gas prices. ANWR was a good decision and maybe Anne Coulter forgot, but it was the signatures of 65% of the voting class of Americans that stopped the ANWR drilling, NOT the Democrats. It was also a lost cause for Republicans because several Republican Senators voting on the issue lied to their constituents and said they would vote "NO" and then really voted "YES" and we're talking Senators who are NOT ALLOWED to override their constituency. It was an icky mess. As for Coulter's remark about Nuclear Power...ummm, the first Bush was 100% against Nuclear Power for energy resources anyway, so that's a moot point. And since Coulter has been proven a liar and an idiot by members of BOTH parties (the Republican officers don't like her as much as the media says they do), mind you, about a hundred times in 2006 alone, it might do well not use that as your main argument.

Cajun Tiger said...

Speechie...please give a source for your 65% statement, because I highly doubt that is true. The Dems vote against ANWR every chance they get.

Also...not sure what you learned in political science but a Senator can vote anyway he or she likes regardless of what their constituents say. If they vote a way they don't like, then they might not be re-elected, but there is nothing that can stop them from voting however they like when they are in office.

When you call someone a liar as you call Coulter, it would be nice to quote examples. Otherwise that is just empty rhetoric. She also must be one smart idiot being she was the editor of the Michigan Law Review. How many prestigious papers have Michael Moore or Al Franken edited?

Cajun Tiger said...

Part two...forgot to address a statement. Thank God the Repubs are in charge of the economy right now b/c if they weren't and it weren't booming, these high gas prices would be hurting even more. I wish they were doing even more like stopping the crazy spending, but I hate to think where we would be w/o the tax cuts, which need to be made permanent NOW!!!