Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Great Addition to the Team!!!

I'm so pumped with the President's latest appointment to his team, Tony Snow as the new press secretary! I almost considered moving back to the states just to see the press conferences...well not quite =)


Dionne said...

I'm so celebrating and so excited!!!!!!!

The leftist southpaw said...

yes, Tony Snow. I guess he never really was fair and balanced to begin with. Now he doesn't have to make even a feigned attempt at being impartial!

Anonymous said...

Tony Snow will make an excellent Press Secretary BECAUSE he is fair, balanced and don't forget...unafraid.

Name one Press Secretary who was not impartial?

Anonymous said...

(correction) not partial

Cajun Tiger said... makes me smile every day how much FoxNews gets under liberals skin because they no longer have a monopoly on the news. As far as fair and balanced, let's do an count how many conservatives are on CNN and MSNBC and I'll count how many liberals are on FoxNews. Once again Fox will beat both combined.